Preserving Tradition - - - Embracing Change
Can you spare a few hours once a month to join our team of volunteers who help maintain the churchyard. We meet on a scheduled Saturday morning 10am to tackle the seasonal tasks under the direction of Henry. You can bring you're own tools or we can provide.
If your up for the challenge you will be rewarded for your efforts with tea/coffee and the best homemade shortbread for miles around.
Contact us and we will put you in touch with Henry.
If you would like to contribute to the church flower displays whether help with the arrangements, donate seasonal flowers from your garden or just drop off some shop bought flowers as a donation all help would be greatly received.
Help is always welcome for fundraising and community events.
Cake makers, chair stackers, raffle prizes, stall operators and good old fetching and carrying is always needed.
Upcoming activities, fundraising etc will be posted on our website &Facebook.
If you can help, forward your contact details, how you can help and we will reply with the relevant committee members details.
We are always grateful for extra hands helping with the seasonal cleans. Future dates will be posted on the events page when agreed.
St Augustine's Church - West Monkton
We are looking to find a musician to accompany our Sunday hymn services once a month with a suitable instrument or keyboard. There is also the opportunity to practice on the church organ if you wish to.
As the number of church organist steadily retire there are less people to take over the pedals, stops and ivory's.
We do not want our organ to fall silent but as you will know we are open very much to embrace change and that includes alternative created music to accompany our Sunday hymns.
If this is something you can help out with even on occasions or would like to build confidence in front of an audience we would love to here from you.
West Monkton Church
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