Preserving Tradition - - - Embracing Change
If it is your custom to receive bread and wine in your own church, then you are welcome to do so here. If you would rather not receive, please do come forward with everyone else and keep your hands down to receive a blessing.
Revd Jim Cox will say Morning Prayer Mon-Thurs 8am at Kingston St Mary Church, you are welcome to join him. There is also Tuesday Morning Prayer via zoom. Contact the benefice office for the link.
St Augustine's West Monkton
Stay for coffee and chat after the service
St Augustine's West Monkton
St Augustine's West Monkton
St Augustine's West Monkton
St Augustine's West Monkton
Stay for coffee and chat after the service
St Augustine's West Monkton
St Augustine's West Monkton
Stay for coffee and chat after the service
St Augustine's West Monkton
Click link below for downloadable version
South Quantock BeneficeRev Jim Cox will be running a meditation group on Thursday mornings in February.
A time of reflection and prayer.
10.30am – 12noon
Starts Thurs 6th Feb
At Tricia Cavill’s (address supplied)
Please let Michele know in the office if you would like to attend.
Towards the end of last year we ran a series of ‘taster’ sessions on a meditation group. We worked out what we found helpful and what we didn’t, so this next short series will draw on that experience. We all found it a very renewing and refreshing experience and I would warmly commend it to you all.
Jim Cox
Contact 01823 451257 or email